
Help me redesign this website



This site annoys me. There are a couple of things that bother me and that could be improved. As probably any Designer in any point in time, I want to tear down my website and redesign it from the ground up. I did this a couple of times already and would have a couple of places to start from.

But this time it isn’t about me, it’s about you. Designers tend to be narcisstic by nature, but this website doesn’t exist only for me to look at my own stuff on the web. It’s purpose is to reach people out there and resonate. The most carefully crafted message is wasted if it doesn’t reach it’s recipient.

I need to know what currently works and what doesn’t, and instead of guessing that for myself, I need to hear that from you. To gather your feedback, I created a little typeform. It takes only 5 minutes to answer.

„What do I get out of this?“, you might ask yourself. Well, first of all, you get the warm, fuzzy feeling of helping out a really cool dude. And if that alone wasn’t enough, you also get the chance of winning one of 5 prints of mine. The survey is available in german or english.

Take the survey in german

Take the survey in english


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