
Visual Facilitating / Sketchnotes Workshops


Last year I started doing Visual Facilitating / Sketchnotes Workshops. Basically I teach grown up people that they can actually draw even if they don’t believe it, and how they can use it at work to make notes, explain things and learn stuff. The contents is a culmination of my lifetime of drawing, my experiences as an illustrator and what I learned myself from different courses and books.

The teaser for the first workshop. After the course anybody can draw something like this on their own.

It was a pleasure to lead these workshops and the feedback by the participants was positive. I want to do more workshops as inhouse courses for companies and I’m thinking about organising workshops open to the public in the area of Thun or Bern. Send me a message if you’re interested or if you know somebody who could be.

Hili practicing drawing people

Happy attendees with their new self designed sketchbooks


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Thiébaud Mylène says

Hoi Rino,
Mich würde es sehr interessieren!