


04.09.2016       0

tmp_32524-IMG_20160904_203858-887270185Buck „the Bear“ was always considered a bit heavy handed, but a man that got things done.


Sketchsession May 2014

06.06.2014       0

A few weeks Ago, I asked a bunch of friends to come together, sit down, have a beer and draw. We brought along some Artbooks and Art Magazines as well, so people could check out new reading material and talk about it. I also brought some additional art materials I rarely use for people to try out (chalks, markers, colored pencils, colored papers etc.).

Sketchabend #1 21.05.2014 – 4504

It was a great evening and something different compared to the usual sketching session, where you sit alone in a room and draw by yourself.

If you like the drawings of the guy with the orange cap, that’s the amazing Illustrator / Art Director Dominic Beyeler, whose Work you can check on

The flyer for the event

The flyer for the event


17.01.2013       0

Referenz © The Drawing Script

Nach einer gefühlten Ewigkeit habe ich mal wieder mein Graphire 2 ausgepackt und eine kleine Übung in Photoshop gemacht. Das Ziel war, die Tonwerte des Referenzbildes (ohne das Eyedroppertool versteht sich) möglichst genau wiederzugeben.

Das Referenzbild ist von The Drawing Script, einem sehr hilfreichen Tool, wenn es darum geht, gute Referenzbilder zum Abzeichnen zu finden. Eine gute Übung zum Abzeichnen mit Drawing Script hat Matt Kohr von ctrl+Paint in diesem Video.

Sketch: Zombiemonkey

08.08.2012       0

In Ermangelung eines besseren Namens, der Zombiemonkey!