

Visual Facilitating / Sketchnotes Workshops

02.02.2018       2

Last year I started doing Visual Facilitating / Sketchnotes Workshops. Basically I teach grown up people that they can actually draw even if they don’t believe it, and how they can use it at work to make notes, explain things and learn stuff. The contents is a culmination of my lifetime of drawing, my experiences as an illustrator and what I learned myself from different courses and books.

The teaser for the first workshop. After the course anybody can draw something like this on their own.

It was a pleasure to lead these workshops and the feedback by the participants was positive. I want to do more workshops as inhouse courses for companies and I’m thinking about organising workshops open to the public in the area of Thun or Bern. Send me a message if you’re interested or if you know somebody who could be.

Hili practicing drawing people

Happy attendees with their new self designed sketchbooks

The giant

07.08.2017       0


The final Character design. Notice the little taylor standing on his arm.

Rough sketch over the silhouette

In the course «The Spark» at the Oatley Academy, we designed characters for an adaptation of a classic fairy tale. I chose «the brave little taylor», and designed the Giant from the story. More images in the projects entry.


The five lucky winners

06.02.2017       1

You guys are the best. I got a ton of very helpful feedback from my survey. The survey was conducted in two languages in a typeform.

I chose out 5 lucky winners for the prints. The prints should be on their way or already arrived. Or in Ania’s case, on the way to Portugal a second time because I apparently wrote the address wrong on the first try 😀

The five lucky winners are:

– Ania Marcos, Portugal
– Britny Arnett, USA
– Sascha Scheidegger, Thun, Switzerland
– Christoph Höschele, Bern, Switzerland
– Soleil Zumbrunn, Zürich, Switzerland

Thank you everybody for participating!

Dr. T

13.01.2017       0

Finally found some time to try out the amazing Photoshop Brushes of Kyle T. Webster. If you don’t have them yet, get them. I have the megapack and it’s totally worth it’s price.

Bad ideas in space

09.09.2016       0

rinowenger_galactic_conquerorI did this sketch back in march, yet never posted it. I think I hated it at that time. Now I’ve found it again while browsing through sketches looking for something else. The composition is really bad: The monster takes up way too much space in the picture and there’s no room for the image to breathe. The graphic designer would talk about white space here. Also the point that we’re on a different planet in space is not coming across.

I still like the creature and the idea of that poor idiot trying to steal the baby monster from the mother. It’s an ancient story told in infinite ways already, yet still something that makes for great action.


04.09.2016       0

tmp_32524-IMG_20160904_203858-887270185Buck „the Bear“ was always considered a bit heavy handed, but a man that got things done.


The Wendigo

25.10.2015       0

The comic that I’m working on involves a magical forest with many strange characters and creatures. One of which is the Wendigo, who is waiting for our protagonist to cross his way.

